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The Roosters Concert Party on TV

The Roosters, as a troupe, don't appear to have made any broadcasts on early television but one of the gang, comedian Charlies Harrison, often had a career separate from the Roosters and he made a number of just pre and post war television broadcasts as below. These all went out live, not recorded, and were often repeated the next day (or within a few days) alternating between afternoon and evening broadcasts. These second showings of the earlier show were again remounted live. I don't believe any of these had any film recordings made so none survive today,

Roosters TV: Text

Sat, 09/10/1937 BBC Television (21:00-21:20)


with Charles Harrison, George Mackenzie, The Dehl Trio.

Thur, 23/02/1939 BBC Television (15;00-15:30)


Starring Steve Geray and Magda Kun
With Horace Kenney in "The Frontiersman", Bob Dyer (comedian), and Charles Harrison (comedian). Presentation by Harry Pringle.

Wed 01/03/1939 BBC Television (15:30-16:00)


With Ken Harvey (banjoist), Walsh and Barker (songs at the piano), George Prentice (modern Punch and Judy), Charles Harrison (comedian).

Sat, 01/04/1939 BBC Television (21:00-22:15)

With Harry Tate, assisted by Ronald Tate, Frank Leslie, and Dave O'Toole, in "Fishing", George Jackley, Max and Harry Nesbitt, Hector and Pals, Charles Harrison, Allan, Allan, and Allan, Charles Gordon, The Geddes Brothers.
Compere, Cyril Fletcher.

Tue 09/05/1939 BBC Television (15:00-15:40)


Starring Renee Houston and Donald Stewart
with Al and Bob Harvey songs at the piano, Bobby May, juggler (by permission of the Savoy Hotel, Ltd.), Charles Harrison, comedian, Drury and Ramond, dancers, Afrique, impressions. Presentation by Harry Pringle.

Mon, 01/07/1946 BBC Television (20:30-21:00)


The Vickers Twins (novelty instrumentalists), Petula Clark (singing starlet), Henri Vadden (juggler), Clifford Stanton (impressionist), Charles Harrison (comedian)
Compere, Jackie Hunter
Jack Payne's Orchestra conducted by Stanley Andrews

Sat, 13/07/1946 BBC Television (20:30-21:15)


with Charles Harrison (comedian), Baker and Allen Programme introduced by Jack Warner. Jack Payne's Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Andrews.

Wed, 23/10/1946 BBC Television (15:00-15:30)


with Cyril Fletcher and Betty Astell, Jack and Daphne Barker (the cabaret entertainers), Charles Harrison (comedian), Churchill's Dogs, Michael and Peggy Arnaud (adagio dancers).

Fri, 25/10/1946 BBC Television (20:30-21:00)


with Cyril Fletcher and Betty Astell, Jack and Daphne Barker (the cabaret entertainers), Charles Harrison (comedian), Churchill's Dogs, Michael and Peggy Arnaud (adagio dancers).

Repeat performance of 23rd above.

Wed, 06/11/1946 BBC Television (20:30-21:00)


with Sherkot (Continental comedian), Margery Manners (singing cowgirl), Cynthia and Gladys (jugglers), Charles Harrison (comedian), Lynne Bretton (songs),
Bradley Harris (musical impressions).

Thur, 07/11/1946 BBC Television (15:00-15:30)


with Sherkot (Continental comedian), Margery Manners (singing cowgirl), Cynthia and Gladys (jugglers), Charles Harrison (comedian), Lynne Bretton (songs), Bradley Harris (musical impressions).
(Repeat performance previous day above).

Mon, 25/11/1946 BBC Television (21:00-)


Introduced by Charles Heslop. With The Beverley Sisters, Eric Cardi, Lynne Bretton, Charles Harrison.

Sat, 30/11/1946 BBC Television (15:20-16:00)


with Cyril Fletcher and Betty Astell, George Robey, Nan Kenway and Douglas Young in The Landlord of "The Startled Hare". The Beverley Sisters, Charles Harrison, Peggy and Michael Arnaud.

Mon, 10/11/1947 BBC Television (15:00-16:00)


with Nan Kenway and Douglas Young supported by Frank Dunlop in The Landlord of "The Startled Hare". Judy Shirley (songs), Charles Harrison (comedian), Eddie Henderson (comedian), The Four Ramblers, Eric Robinson and his Orchestra.

Roosters TV: Text
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