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The Roosters Concert Party Memorabilia

Autographs, flyers, programmes and other memorabilia & ephemera connected with The Roosters or its troupe members.

Roosters Memorabilia: Text

The War Years

Roosters Memorabilia: Text

Roosters postcard


In 1917 the Roosters had a series of postcards made up of the troupe in costume to sell to the serving soldiers during shows. 


Here is one such postcard from 1917 of the troupe.

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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters postcard


In 1917 the Roosters had a series of postcards made up of the troupe in costume to sell to the serving soldiers during shows. 


Here is another of those early postcards.

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Roosters postcard


In 1917 the Roosters had a series of postcards made up of the troupe in costume to sell to the serving soldiers during shows. 


Here is another of those early postcards. 

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Roosters postcard


In 1917 the Roosters had a series of postcards made up of the troupe in costume to sell to the serving soldiers during shows. 


Here is another of those early postcards, this one of Kenneth Lowndes, one of the Roosters' two 'leading ladies' during the early war years as Cinders in the army pantomime 'Cinderella, or the Army Boot'. This postcard is signed by Lowndes.

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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters postcard


In 1917 the Roosters had a series of postcards made up of the troupe in costume to sell to the serving soldiers during shows. 


Here is another of those early postcards, this one of comedian (Private) Charles William Harrison. This postcard is signed by Harrison.

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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters photograph


In 1917 the Roosters had a series of postcards and photographs made up of the troupe in costume to sell to the serving soldiers during shows. 


Here is one of those early photographs, this one of Kenneth Lowndes, one of the Roosters' two 'leading ladies' during the early war years. Lowndes was only in the Roosters during the First World War, on demobilisation he moved to Retford, Nottinghamshire where he ran a ladies hairdressers and beauty parlour but he did rejoin the Roosters for some of their later anniversary shows after the second world war. He died in 1959.

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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters photograph


Another 1917 photograph of Kenneth Lowndes, this time in his Lady de Bathe costume, one of his routines impersonating Lillie Langtry.

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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters army programme


An original typrewriter-produced programme for one of the Roosters' army concerts in 1917 (text copied below due to low quality scan of programme)


60th Division Concert Party

The "Roosters"


Under the direction of 2/Lt. H. H. Warren


lay their " eggscellent " programme before you



"Algy" 2/Lt. H. H. Warren

"Claude" Pte. P. H. Merriman

"Billy" Pte. W. F. Copping

"Cyril" Sgt. A. R. Mackness

"Freddie" Rfn. S. W. Davis

"Charlie" Pte. W. H. Harrison



"Stella" Sgr. F. E. Weldon

"Elsie" Pte. W. Mc.Clellan


Cock O' the piano

"Harry" CQMS F.R.C. Barton


Producer... Pte. W. Mc.Clellan

Stage Manager... L/C T. Hill

Ass't do... L/C H. J. Keenan


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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters army programme

January 1918

The quality of printed programme improved from a typewriter to access to a printing press once the Division and the concert party reached Jerusalem, thanks to the Greek Convent Press there.


This programme is for the week of 12th January 1918.




Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters army programme

January 1918

The quality of printed programme improved from a typewriter to access to a printing press once the Division and the concert party reached Jerusalem, thanks to the Greek Convent Press there.


This programme is for the week of 24th January 1918.




Roosters Memorabilia: Image

The Civilian Broadcasting Years

Roosters Memorabilia: Text

Roosters Radio Pictorial postcard


This Radio Pictorial postcard of the Roosters Concert Party was released in 1934. (See Radio Pictorial advert for this postcard series in the 'Roosters in Print' section).

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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters autographs

September 1935

Autograph page of the Roosters Concert Party dated Sept. 1935. "Best wishes from the Roosters'. Signed by Arthur Mackness, Frederick Pain, William Mack, Septimus Hunt, Percy Merriman and Wilfrid Liddiatt.

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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters autographs


Another 1935 autograph page of The Roosters Concert Party, again signed by Arthur Mackness, Frederick Pain, William Mack, Septimus Hunt, Percy Merriman and Wilfred Liddiatt.

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Roosters Memorabilia: Image

Roosters autographs

undated, 1930s/1940s

Another autograph page of The Roosters, this one undated but containing the 30s/40s troupe members.  The members were pretty constant during the 30s and 40s but sometimes a member or two could be absent for certain performances. The two 1935 pages above contain Wilfrid Liddiat but no Charles Harrison, who often went solo in a comedy career during the 30s. This one contains Charles Harrison's signature but no Wilfrid Liddiat although both appear from the early 30s till 1947 on and off.

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